Healthy Aging - Original Articles

Give Your Fridge a Makeover

With these six easy tips, you can transform your refrigerator and your health.

What Does "Zero Trans Fats" Really Mean?

Nutrition labels can be deceiving. Learn how to cut though the hype and make healthier choices.

5 Ways to Stay Active as You Age

Here's how to give your body the energy and strength it needs to stay healthy as you get older.

Are You Too Nice For Your Own Good?

Learn how to find the middle ground between being accommodating and being stepped on.

Heat Wave: Understanding Hot Flashes

Hot flashes can be uncomfortable, frustrating, even scary. Follow this guide to help ease your symptoms.

How to Lose Weight Without Really Trying

Sick of starving to lose weight? Follow these tips to shed pounds. No diet required.

The 10 Best Reasons to Quit Smoking

Many people successfully kick the habit, and you can too. Here, the top 10 benefits of smoke-free living.

How Are New Cancer Treatments Tested?

Understanding the "fair test rule" is essential for evaluating cancer treatment options.

Can You Develop Food Allergies at Any Age?

While many food allergies begin in childhood, the fact is that at any age, you can suddenly find yourself dealing with an allergic reaction to something you've had to eat or drink.

Apples to Prevent Digestive Disease?

This tart, delicious fruit may have protective properties against diseases like colitis, Crohn's, and even cancer. But it's the part of the apple that might surprise you.

6 Ways to Boost Bone Strength

Learn how to build strong bones and protect against osteoporosis.

Adult ADHD Survival Tips

Living with Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) can be a challenge, but these tips can make it easier.

After Dark: Sundowner's Syndrome

Elderly patients often get confused or agitated toward the end of the day. Learn about the symptoms known as sundowning.

Is It Alzheimer's?

Caregiving expert Jackie Pinkowitz discusses the difference between age-related memory problems and Alzheimer's disease.

Tips for Alzheimer's Caregivers

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer's disease can be overwhelming. Follow these tips to help deal with the diagnosis and cope with the holidays and every day.

What You Need to Know About Assisted Living

When it comes to assisted living, understanding all of the options available can be a challenge. Here, the most frequently asked questions and answers.

12 Tips for an Allergy-Free Vacation

How to keep allergies and asthma from traveling with you.

6 Easy Ways to Beat the Heat

Keeping cool on hot summer days isn't only a matter a comfort—it's vital for good health and even survival.

8 Easy Stressbusters

Feeling stressed out? Regain your calm with these tips.

Caring for Loved Ones Is More Rewarding Than Expected

Study shows that preparedness makes all the difference when it comes to caregiving.

Full Spectrum: Bipolar Disorder

Not so black and white: study concludes bipolar disease is more of a spectrum disorder.

Probiotics: Beneficial Bacteria

These friendly bacteria can do wonders for your digestive system. Learn how your body can start reaping the benefits.

Roadmap for Eldercare Options

Understand your choices for better decision-making.

Sure Shot? Understanding the Flu Vaccine

Are you thinking about getting a flu vaccination this year? Learn about the risks and rewards.

4 Surprising Energy Zappers

Some things that sap your energy are no surprise, like being awake all night with a sick child or eating a heavy meal, but there are other energy depleters that are less obvious.

How to Increase Your Dream Recall

Some believe that dreams hold the key to solving nagging problems and triggering creative energy. Here are tips on how to delve into your subconscious sleeping mind.

5 Ways to Be Prostate Proactive

Prostate problems are common, especially in older men. Fortunately, many of these issues can be prevented through simple lifestyle changes. Here's a rundown of five practical tips for prostate health.

How to Get Out of Bed on a Cold Morning

While no one claims getting up on a frigid day is easy, here are the steps you can take to make the whole experience bearable.

Sleep Deprivation and Dangerous Consequences

When you're sleep-deprived, you're more likely to take chances and make reckless decisions. What do brain scans reveal about being overtired?

Valerian for Sleep: Is It Right for You?

This supplement is a widely recommended alternative to prescription and over-the-counter sleep medications, but some studies show it's not effective. So should you try it?