Healthy Aging - Original Articles

5 Natural Ways to Whiten Your Teeth

Brighten your smile without breaking the bank with these at-home, do-it-yourself ingredients.

The Truth About Mouthwash

There are many known benefits to using mouthwash, but if yours has too much of this common ingredient, this daily routine can reverse the health of your teeth and gums.

Common Lifestyle Drugs: The Pros and Cons

Nonmedical or non-health-related drugs have become very popular. But before you decide to try these kinds of drugs and procedures, proceed with caution.

Why You Should Get Travel Insurance for Asthma

Don't just plan the itinerary of your next vacation, plan on having travel insurance to protect you against asthma gone haywire. Here's what you need to consider.

An Apple Peel a Day

Studies have found that the skin on an apple contains a substance that not only promotes muscle growth and prevents the loss of muscle that comes with aging, but may also lower blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides.

5 Ways to Spot a Bad Fad Diet

There's nothing wrong with trying to slim down, but watch out for these red flags.

Alzheimer s Disease: Genetic or Environmental?

Can you control whether you get Alzheimer's disease? The answer is...maybe. In some cases, there is nothing a person can do to stop the illness. In other instances, lifestyle and environment may play a part.

Scientists Find a New Way to Measure Pain

New research has uncovered a tool that lets doctors accurately assess your pain without needing your input.

Why Alzheimer s Disease Goes Undiagnosed

Do you have an elderly relative you suspect may be starting to suffer from memory impairment? It's worth your while to have him or her be seen by a doctor and, if necessary, receive treatment even if the condition doesn't seem serious.

Get the Most From Your Vaccines

More than any other time, vaccines are extremely crucial to senior health. They can help you ward off sicknesses that are now harder to tackle.

Low B12 Levels and Brain Shrinkage: Is There a Link?

A recent study showed that a lack of B12 can not only result in lower scores on tests of cognitive ability; it actually can correlate with smaller total brain volume.

Your Physical Body Can Determine the Health of Your Digestion

Discover which parts of your body hold clues to how well your digestive tract is functioning.

Digestive Problems Could Stifle Your Weight Loss Goals

If you feel that you've been exercising and no results ensue, it may be time to consider whether digestive problems could be getting in the way.

Best Foods to Prevent Bowel Cancers

Fresh fruits and vegetables can help fight cancer, but do you know which ones are best for your bowel?

How to Combat Fluid Retention

Fluid retention is a common occurrence. Here are 10 lifestyle changes you can make to help reduce or eliminate excess fluids.

More Plant-Based Foods May Mean Fewer Cataracts

Want to save your eyesight as you get older? Consider forgoing that juicy steak in favor of a green salad.

What Is Lewy Body Dementia?

Here's what you need to know about this neurological condition, from symptoms to treatment options.

Exercise: Just What the Doctor Ordered?

Physicians and fitness experts are teaming up to help patients exercise their way to wellness.

Causes, Symptoms, and Treatments of 4 Common Foot Problems

When your feet have problems, it's hard to feel good about anything else. Here's a rundown of four common foot problems, from bunions to plantar fasciitis.

Fortified or Natural: What's Better?

Like supplements, fortified foods offer insurance against the health problems associated with nutritional deficiencies. But are they an ideal replacement?

5 Ways to Become a Morning Person

Some experts say that even if you are a night owl by nature, you can transform yourself into a morning lark and be more productive during the day. Here's how.

Adrenal Fatigue: An Actual Condition or Not?

Some doctors say it's a real condition, some say it's not. Here's a breakdown of both sides.

Want a Good Night's Sleep? Avoid These 5 Things

If you have a hard time falling asleep or staying asleep, there may be a simple solution.

How to Use Epsom Salt for Health and Beauty

This drugstore staple is often overlooked in our search for the best health and beauty aids. But there are some good reasons to add this affordable compound to your shopping cart.

Does Clenching Your Fist Really Make You Feel Better?

While clenched fists and gritted teeth may seem like the anger response of a toddler, new research suggests this reaction can set you at ease.

7 Tips for Proper Oral Care

While a set of pearly whites is certainly aesthetically pleasing, poor oral health can put you at risk for a variety of chronic conditions.

Many Seniors Leave Hospital Without Their Regular Meds

An alarming number of older patients fail to continue taking their regular medications after they return home, particularly if they spent time in intensive care.

Acid and Alkaline Balance: The Key to Healthy Bones?

Scientists now believe that consuming a diet high in acid-producing foods like animal proteins, processed foods, and sweeteners and low in fresh fruits and vegetables is partly responsible for the development of osteoporosis and diseases caused by chronic metabolic acidosis.

Why Men Are More Likely to Die of Cancer Than Women

While cancer is one of the leading causes of death in both men and women, there are particular factors unique to men that make them more susceptible of ending the battle against cancer sooner than in women.

Is It Asthma, COPD, or Both?

Have you noticed that your fast-acting relief inhaler isn't providing as much relief as you'd expect? If you're an older person who smoked, it's possible that in addition to asthma, you could have another ailment called Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD).