Healthy Aging - Original Articles

Is It a Senior Moment or Something More Serious?

To some degree, we all experience such foggy moments, especially as we get older. But when should it be cause for concern?

Could Diabetes Drugs Help Your Heart?

Living with diabetes raises your risk of heart disease. What if the same drug you take to treat your diabetes symptoms also had benefits for your heart health?

Don't Get Burned by Your Sunscreen Allergy

The American Academy of Dermatology stresses the importance of using sunscreen before stepping outdoors to reduce your risk of skin cancer. But what if you're allergic to sunscreen? Does that mean you have to forego summer pleasures or put yourself at risk of getting burned? Absolutely not.

5 On-the-Go Makeup Bag Essentials

Organize your makeup bag with must-haves such as foundation, lipstick, blush, eye shadow, and eyeliner to ensure your look stays fresh all day.

What You Should Know About Food Expiration Dates

Should you throw out a container of yogurt if you notice that the date on the package is a few days beyond the date you're planning on eating it? Well, it all depends on these factors.

Stressed Out? Take a Hike

When faced with a 40-plus hour work week, bills to pay, and trekking the kids to-and-fro, how do you let loose? This summer, make it a point to relieve your stress by utilizing the great outdoors.

Want to Be a Hospice Volunteer? Here's What's Involved

The Hospice Foundation of America estimates that there are more than 460,000 hospice volunteers in the U.S. Here's what you need to know before taking on this important job.

7 Daily Must-Dos for Retirees

One research team studied older people on the small Greek island of Ikaria, a place where fully one-third of residents live to at least 90, and found that the residents share many healthful habits.

Omega-3, Omega-6, Omega-9: The Basics

Omega-3, omega-6, and omega-9 fatty acids confer a variety of health benefits when consumed on a regular basis and in the right amounts.

Pulmonary Embolism: Causes, Symptoms, Treatments

What exactly causes pulmonary embolism, and is there a way to lower your risk? Read on for some insight into this frightening malady.

Build a Heart-Healthy Meal at the Salad Bar

What could be more convenient for lunch on the go than a quick stop at the salad bar? But the choices you make can make the difference between a fat-laden, calorie-heavy meal and a satisfying, good-for-your-heart lunch.

The Stress and Longevity Connection

New research shows that your mental habits might be just as important as your physical habits when it comes to longevity.

New Food Plate Guidelines: Healthy Eating Made Easy

The U.S. Department of Agriculture has unveiled a new icon that it hopes will make choosing nutritious foods easier for Americans.

Breast Cancer and Family Risk Factors

Although advancing age and being a woman are the two most significant risk factors for breast cancer, a family history also raises your risk of developing breast cancer and developing it at a younger age.

Daily Aspirin Therapy: Right for Diabetes?

Taking a daily aspirin could be good for your health... or it could be bad for your health. There are advantages for those living with diabetes, but there are also risks.

Natural Solutions to 3 Gas Problems

Eating a well-balanced diet, drinking plenty of water each day, and refraining from doing things that can worsen digestive problems could be all you need to ease your digestive woes.

5 Tips for Swallowing Pills

The act of swallowing a pill can range from uneventful at best to gag-inducing at worst. Here, tips to make it easier.

Full-Body Scans: Too Much of a Good Thing?

What could be the downsides of potentially detecting cancer or another serious disease before it advances to a more-difficult-to-treat stage? Well, 150 times more radiation than a chest x-ray, for one thing.

Asthma Treatment for Alzheimer's Disease?

Who would have guessed that the very same treatment to help you manage respiratory symptoms can also help improve your brain health?

Want to Live Longer? Eat Whole Grain Fiber

We all know that eating a diet rich in whole grains is good for your heart. Now a new study shows that the kind of fiber found in whole grains may also reduce your risk of dying at an early age from a variety of other causes.

7 Ways to Weather Allergies While Camping

Camping is a perfect opportunity to get away for a few days and convene with nature. But if you suffer from allergies, heading out to the wilderness can expose you to a series of dangers. Here's how to stay healthy.

How Safe is Social Smoking?

You don't consider yourself a smoker. An entire week can go by without a single craving for a cigarette. Yet, once the weekend rolls around, all bets are off. Good thing the occasional smoke can't hurt you. Or can it?

Heart Disease: Is "Apple" Really Worse?

Are you an "apple"? Are you a "pear"? And what does that really determine anyway?

Different Caregivers: How to Choose

What kind of help is needed, and who is the best caregiver for a particular situation? Do you need a nurse or can you get by with someone with less formal training? Here's a rundown of different types of healthcare providers you may encounter so you can make an informed choice.

Can Eating This Prevent Vascular Disease?

A new study shows that there may be added heart benefits to including these foods in your daily diet.

Can a Mediterranean Diet Ease Your Digestive Troubles?

Because one of the key components of this diet includes eating lots of fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, beans, fruits, and vegetables, following the Mediterranean diet may keep your digestive system running smoothly.

Could You Have an Intestinal Parasite?

If you've been experiencing stomach pain, diarrhea, and fatigue, you may have an intestinal parasite. Intestinal parasites are fairly common and can be serious, especially in the elderly, people living in undeveloped countries, and those who have other health problems.

Regular NSAID Use Could Cause This Unwanted Side Effect

New research indicates that what may be good for your heart may be bad for your sex life. But does that mean you should stop taking NSAIDs and give up the heart benefits to avoid this sexual disorder?

Hearing Loss and Dementia Link

What is the relationship between these two conditions? Could one contribute to or cause the other?

Are Dietary Supplements Good for Your Heart?

The American Heart Association has some specific recommendations when it comes to getting heart healthy nutrients.