Healthy Aging - Videos

HPV Vaccine Vs. Abstinence

What provides better protection from HPV: The vaccine or abstinence?

Bladder Training and Urinary Incontinence

If it's not healthy to hold your urine, then why do we do it for 8 hours while we sleep? The Doctors explain. Plus, tips for curing urinary incontinence.

Performing an Urgent C-Section

OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson explains how an urgent C-section is performed.

Delivering Twins Via C-Section

Watch as OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson delivers twins via an urgent C-section.

Pre-Term Labor Treatment

Julie, an expecting mother of twins, went to see OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson for a routine checkup at 36 weeks. Her Fetal Non-Stress Test (NST) showed signs of pre-term labor, even though she wasn't feeling any contractions. Julie's routine checkup suddenly turned into admittance to the O.R. for an urgent C-section.

Guidelines for Cervical Cancer Screening

New guidelines from The United States Preventive Services Task Force (USPSTF) have been implemented for cervical cancer screenings. Dr. Wanda Nicholson, Associate Professor of Obstetrics and Gynecology at UNC Chapel Hill and member of the USPSTF, explains the updated screening recommendations.

You've Got Carol Steen

Carol Steen, co-founder of the American Synesthesia Association, sits down to talk about what synesthesia is, some notable people who have had this remarkable ability, and what it's like to view the world through the unique lens of a synesthete.

Touch-Free Breast Screening

See a new technology that uses infrared digital imaging as an adjunctive procedure to assist in early breast cancer detection.

Researchers One Step Closer to Unravelling Alzheimer's

Scientists know that neurons in the brains of dementia patients contain abnormally high amounts of two proteins, tau and beta ameloid. Professor Jurgen Goetz of the Queensland Brain Institute says

Salute to Volunteerism - HuffingtonPost Oasis

Abby Huntsman interviews two volunteers at HuffingtonPost Oasis.

Gestational Diabetes Screening and Risk Factors

Are you at risk of developing gestational diabetes? Find out about its screening process and risk factors here.

To Pinot Or Not To Pinot While Pregnant?

As moms were finally granted the occasional glass of red, a new study now finds that drinking during pregnancy has lasting effects on children's size. Hosts Nancy Redd and Janet Varney discuss this topic with community members Vivian Levisman, Dr. Michael Ross, Sandra Jacobson and Tina Kelley.

Cultivating Inner Beauty Against the Odds

Fashion designer and celebrity stylist Joey Tierney joins us to discuss finding your inner beauty as a young woman. Janet Varney, HuffPost Teen Editor Liz Perl, community members Alexis Jane Torre and Tabby Biddle give their thoughts.

Aggressive Prevention: Preemptive Surgery at 33 Years Old

Amy Boesky explains how she had children early so she could have preventative surgery at 33.

Congress' Guy Troubles - Should Men Vote On Women's Issues?

Representative Akin's comment about "legitimate rape" shows many men in office are misinformed about women's issues. So why should they even be allowed to vote on them? Guests Danny Wylde, Zerlina Maxwell, Michael Kayne and Robert Abel weigh in.

Rectovaginal Fistula Explained

OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson explains how a rectovaginal fistula occurs and how it is repaired.

Repairing a Rectovaginal Fistula

After suffering a 4th degree tear during labor, Sarah developed a fistula - where an abnormal connection or passageway is formed between two organs in the body. In Sarah's case, the fistula formed between her rectum and her vagina. Sarah visits pelvic surgeon and urogynecologist Dr. Tom Margolis for a surgical solution.

Rectovaginal Fistula After Giving Birth

After suffering a 4th degree tear during labor, Sarah developed a fistula - where an abnormal connection or passageway is formed between two organs in the body. In Sarah's case, the fistula formed between her rectum and her vagina.

Myth or Reality: Bears Are Attracted to Menstrual Blood

Are bears more attracted to women while they're on their period?

At-Home Skin Type Tests

Plastic surgeon Dr. Drew Ordon demonstrates at-home tests to determine your skin type and keep your skin healthy and balanced.

At-Home Skin Type Tests

Plastic surgeon Dr. Drew Ordon demonstrates at-home tests to determine your skin type and keep your skin healthy and balanced.

Important Tests For People Over 50, From Dr. Oz

What other tests besides a colonoscopy are recommend after reaching 50? Find out from Dr. Oz here on part of the series Mondays with Marlo on

Stopping Seizures with an Injection Pen

Every two minutes someone in the U.S. dies from a neurological emergency. in fact, seizures are one of the most common reasons for ambulance runs. Now, a new simple device could help save time and lives when seizures strike.

What Is the DEHP Enrichment Spa Experience

Josette Sullins explains the DEHP Enrichment Spa Experience and its benefits.

You've Got Dr. Elliot Krane

Dr. Elliot Krane, Director of Pain Management at Stanford University, discusses the nature of chronic pain, the brain's ability to process it, and where modern medicine has erred in treating it in the past.

Deepak Chopra: Preventing Alzheimer's

Deepak Chopra, author and M.D., gives us important tips for how to prevent the onset of Alzheimer's, and how to keep the mind sharp. Part of the series Mondays with Marlo on

Elevator-Induced Dizziness

E.R. physician Dr. Travis Stork explains how dizziness in an elevator is actually caused by motion sickness. Learn why the disorienting feeling occurs and get tips to help combat the sensation.

You've Got Tali Sharot

Neuroscientist Tali Sharot, author of "The Optimism Bias", discusses the human brain's tendency to hope, and why the sensation of optimism can cloud and shape our perceptions of the world we live in.

Dr. Michael Merzenich on Reversing Brain Age

It's an unfortunate fact of evolutionary heredity that, by the time we are in our thirties, our brain is already experiencing a decline in cognitive function. And, it's not just the effects of the morning coffee, evening wine and the luxury of working in a crowded open plan office. As we grow older, the rate of decline increases, and the cumulative effects become more apparent. Dr. Michael Merzenich explains a simple technique to help reversing your brain age.

Prostate Exam Importance

Men: If your wife nags you to get your yearly prostate exam, don't dig in your heels! Ignoring your prostate can lead to difficulty urinating, serious infections, chronic pelvic pain and even cancer.