Women's Health - Original Articles

The Dangers of Smoking in Women

Studies are giving gals even more reason to put out that cigarette for good.

3 Health Mistakes Smart People Make

Even if you buy organic food, go for regular runs, and stay far away from smokers, your best efforts are going to be in vain if you commit certain slip-ups.

9 Healthy Reasons to Get a Massage

Sure a massage feels good (great, actually), but did you know it can have a host of health benefits, too?

Sex after Breast Cancer

Emotions run high after recovering from breast cancer and rightfully so. Here, a guide to coping with changes in body image and treatment-related sexual problems.

Could Your Purse Be Behind Your Back Pain?

Find out how a hefty handbag can harm your health.

Why Some Women Cannot Reach Orgasm

You may be pleasantly surprised to learn how easy it is.

Does the Pill Work for Overweight Women?

Can your weight determine the effectiveness of your oral contraceptive? Read on to find out.

Could Abstinence Make the Heart Grow Fonder?

In some instances, refraining from sex may benefit your love life.

Could You Be Lacking These 5 Essential Nutrients?

Read on to find out where you're skimping and how you can get more disease-busting power into your meals.

Depression During Menopause: Causes and Solutions

Here's what you can do to stay emotionally healthy during this important period of your life.

How Lying to Your Doctor Can Harm Your Health

Do you really need to be completely honest with your doctor? The answer may surprise you.

Could You Be Allergic to Sex?

An uncommon condition in some women causes itching and burning during intimacy, but fortunately, it is treatable.

How to Be a Smart Snacker

Follow these tips to make smart snacking a part of your daily routine.

5 Ways to Nix Nighttime Nibbling

Eating a late-night snack before bedtime may not only pack on unwanted pounds; it could keep you up at night with indigestion and even set off episodes of heartburn.

Heavy Menstrual Bleeding: A Sign of a Clotting Disorder?

If you ve had heavy periods your entire life, you may blame it on bad luck or bad genetics. The truth is, excess bleeding could be a sign of something more: a clotting disorder.

Can HPV Cause Non-Cervical Cancers?

In 2006, the Food and Drug Administration approved Gardisall, a vaccination to prevent cervical cancer. We know for a fact that HPV human papilloma virus causes cervical cancer. Although less common, HPV can also cause other cancers as well.

Diabetes and the Increased Risk of Breast Cancer

Study sheds new light on the diabetes and breast cancer link.

Childless Women Diagnosed with Arthritis Earlier

Here, how reproductive capabilities can affect your diagnosis of this common condition.

Why Do Women Have More Sleep Problems Than Men?

You'd think that with the work they put into their day, sleep would come easily. The truth is, that's when the tossing and turning begins.

Could You Have Endometriosis?

If you've been experiencing pelvic pain or irregular bleeding, you could be suffering from a condition that affects 5 to 10 percent of all women.

Early Menopause May Double Stroke Risk

A University of Michigan School of Public Health study has uncovered some startling findings.

Why Partners Cheat and What to Do About It

If your partner or you cheat, don t assume that it s over between the two of you. See the incident as a wake up call.

Men and Women: How Emotions Are Perceived

Despite our modern American society, experts say emotions are perceived differently.

Cholesterol and Alzheimer's: What's the Link?

Studies are showing that even borderline high levels of cholesterol can increase your risk of developing this degenerative disease.

5 Things You Need to Know about Egg Donation

Egg donation provides couples with infertility other options to have a child. Learn more about how egg donation works.

How Do I Handle Making More Money Than My Male Partner?

Men and women need to get some Income Etiquette no matter who makes more money!

Why Men Won't Commit

Genetics may be why some guys get cold feet.

A Heart-Healthy Reason to Breastfeed

Research shows that women who nurse have a lower incidence of cardiac disease.

4 Pains You Should Never Ignore

When is pain a sign that something might be seriously wrong? Here, four pains you should never shrug off.

Could Osteoporosis Run in Your Family?

In general, you can greatly reduce your risk of osteoporosis by eating the right foods and getting plenty of exercise. But for some people, this may not be enough.