According to the American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology, as many as 36 million people in the United States suffer from seasonal allergies.

And for those whose reaction to triggers such as ragweed and pollen is strong, the allergy symptoms can be debilitating and even interfere with his or her ability to perform well at school or at work and to participate in a variety of activities.

Impacting Families

If you fall into this group, you know that hay fever can also negatively affect your relationships with your spouse, children, other relatives and friends, since when you don't feel your best, you may be more irritable and less interested in interacting on a positive level. If your allergies also cause you to feel very tired, you may find yourself wanting to sleep all of your spare time away.

Finally, how you look, and how you feel about yourself, can also be affected by allergy symptoms. The dark circles under your eyes, swollen lids and red, irritated nose that can typically occur with hay fever can all keep you from feeling attractive.

Study Findings

So with the impact of allergies "all in your head"—literally—since the sinus pressure can also make this part of your body ache, it is no wonder that it impacts your relationships in so many very concrete ways.

In fact, a poll of allergy sufferers in the UK recently found that respondents experiencing allergy symptoms were more likely to have arguments with others when they were feeling poorly, were less affectionate with their mates and felt more self-conscious about their appearance.

Other negative effects of allergies that respondents mentioned that can affect their relationships include snoring, reduced interest in sex and not being able to apply makeup.

If any of this sounds all too familiar for you, you may wonder what a hay fever sufferer is to do.

Take Control of Your Allergy Symptoms

Experts recommend that the best way to fight back against your hay fever allergy symptoms and keep your relationships strong, is to make an effort to avoid your seasonal triggers and also use allergy control medications. If your symptoms are severe or over-the-counter medicines aren't doing, you should see your doctor or allergist to try some of the latest prescription options available today. These steps can help minimize your discomfort and help keep your irritation in check so that time spent with your loved ones won't suffer.


American Academy of Allergy, Asthma and Immunology (AAAAI)

Medical News Today