Women's Health - Original Articles

7 Keys to a Sexual Health Check-Up

Did you know you should also have regular sexual health check-ups? At these appointments, your doctor not only can pinpoint any physical conditions early on but may be able to help with certain problems keeping you from enjoying a satisfying sex life.

Overweight and Healthy?

Growing evidence supports the theory that it is possible to be overweight and healthy, provided the individual is also fit.

Multiple Medications Danger Zone

Increases in accidental overdoses of over-the-counter, prescription, and illegal drugs are one of the fastest-rising causes of accidental death in the U.S.

Understand the Hemoglobin A1C Test

Get to know this common test, what it measures, and what percentage number means you're in good control.

How to Talk to Your Partner about Embarrassing Health Issues

Whether it's bad breath or body odor, here are some ways to ease into a conversation.

Dress for the Holidays in Comfort

You can look great without wearing uncomfortable, constricting clothing. Here's how you can be stylish and still stay comfortable.

The Differences Between the Male and Female Orgasm

All orgasms aren't created equal. Here, differences between men and women.

How to Boost Blood Circulation

Poor circulation can cause numbness, cold hands and feet, and other unpleasant symptoms. But a sluggish blood flow isn't something you have to live with. You can boost your circulation and get that blood moving through your body.

How to Protect Your Aging Knees

Your knees have a heavy load to bear. They support a good percentage of your body weight and have been doing so since you learned to walk. So it's no surprise that as you get older, your knees may experience a little (or a lot) more trouble than they used to.

Trying for a Baby? Try Not to Stress

Are you and your partner looking to start or add to your family? Don't let stress put a stop to it.

Got Stress? Read This

Chronic stress is a villain that causes a host of problems ranging from sleep and digestive disorders to depression. Stress can affect your concentration, lead to weight gain (or loss), weaken the immune system and even contribute to heart disease.

The Pros and Cons of Going on a Couple's Retreat

Getting away for some pressure-free, stress-free time with your partner sounds like a terrific idea. After all, how can two people not get along in a beautiful spot with no kids, no irritating coworkers, and no nagging bosses? Couples retreats have both pros and cons, so weigh both before you sign up

7 Secrets of the Sex-Starved Wife

Here, we reveal the truth about how she really feels.

The Dangers of Being "Skinny Fat"

What is the normal weight obesity condition and what can you do about it?

Child-Free Women at a Record High

Fewer women are having children than ever before. In fact, in 2008, 80 percent more women remained child-free by age 44, as compared to 1976. Why this remarkable downturn? And what are the health implications of not reproducing?

Freezing Off Fat: Innovative or Dangerous?

Cryolipolysis, a new technique for eliminating unwanted body fat, is quickly becoming popular. But before you rush to set up an appointment, here's what you should know.

Cellulite 101

Are your thighs and hips plagued by bumpy, cottage-cheese style skin? You're not alone. Approximately 80 percent of women suffer from cellulite. So, what can you do about this unsightly condition?

The Benefits of Finding More "You" Time

Do you crave time to yourself? More importantly, do you make time for yourself? Many people need some rejuvenating alone time and making this time a priority is one of the best things you can do to care for yourself.

Are You Just Not Interested?

If the feeling just isn't striking you, don't worry. We have the fixes to get you back in the mood.

Can Menopause Cause Asthma?

If shortness of breath and wheezing are accompanied with hot flashes and mood swings, you might have more than just menopause.

Cancer Remission and Recurrence

The goal of cancer treatment is to put the disease in remission. But cancer can recur in several different ways.

New Risk Factors Identified for Ovarian Cancer

Ovarian cancer is among the sneakiest cancers. Its symptoms can be so vague that 80 percent of women who develop it don't know they have it until it's spread to other organs. Recent studies, however, reveal new genetic clues about who's at risk.

The Pros and Cons of Dating Older Women

Without a doubt, older women bring depth and maturity to many relationships, but there can also be valid reasons to steer clear of courting a cougar.

Facing Your Retirement Fears

Does the idea of retirement scare you? Here's how to prep for this major life transition.

New Worries about the Birth Control Patch

The birth control patch has been popular since it came on the market in 2002 due to its convenience and reliability. It's also been controversial because studies have linked it to some serious health risks. Now, there are new worries.

How Diabetics Can Treat and Prevent Yeast Infections

Diabetic women are much more prone than non-diabetic women to getting yeast infections. Here's why and what to do about it.

10 Ways to Live 10 Years Younger

These simple strategies can knock a whole decade off of your outlook so you'll feel 10 years younger.

Does Your Neck Need a Special Moisturizer?

The delicate skin on your neck can reveal your true age no matter how young your face looks. But does it really need one of the dozens of specialized formulas available? And how do you choose the right one?

Don't Let Depression Ruin Your Sex Life

People with depression typically lose interest in many activities they once enjoyed, including sex. This can significantly reduce their quality of life. Because many patients are reluctant to discuss sexual problems with their physician, the problem often goes unidentified and untreated.

Gender Roles in Pain Medication Abuse

New research has now determined that men and women misuse pain medication differently.