Men's Health - Videos

Misophonia Explained

Whether it's the tapping of computer keys or the sound of someone chewing, we've all been irritated by certain noises here and there, but a very real condition called misophonia turns normal, everyday sounds into angering, anxiety-inducing roars.

Garage Hopping for Alcohol-Based Substances

Police departments across the nation are reporting an increase in "garage hopping," a trend in which teens break into garages in search of alcohol or chemicals they can inhale.

Driving with a Sleep Aid Experiment

Is it safe to take a sleeping pill without a full 8 hours of sleep? The Doctors test the waking effects of sleeping pills.

How Pantyhose Can Save Your Life

The Doctors reveal how pantyhose could possible save your life.

The Risks of Teens Distilling Alcohol from Hand Sanitizer

Health officials are speaking out about a dangerous new trend among teens: distilling alcohol from hand sanitizer.

Which HPV Vaccine Is The Right One?

Dr. Oz and the Community discuss which HPV vaccine is right for you.

HPV and Men

Dr. Oz and the Community discuss HPV and how it affects men.

HPV And The Role Of Condoms

Dr. Oz and the Community discuss the role of condoms when it comes to HPV.

Talking To Your Kids About HPV/Sex

Dr. Oz and the Community discuss how to go about talking to your kids about HPV and sex.

HPV And Infidelity

Dr. Oz and the Community discuss HPV and infidelity.

At What Age Should You Get HPV Vaccine?

Dr. Oz and the Community discuss at what age is best to receive the HPV vaccine.

HPV: Vaccine Vs. Pap Smears

Dr. Oz discusses the difference between getting a vaccine or a pap smear when it comes to HPV.

You've Got Phil Stutz & Barry Michels

Psychotherapists Phil Stutz and Barry Michels (authors of "The Tools") have spent a collective 30 years treating Hollywood clientele, and they've turned their experience into useful techniques anyone can use to diffuse stress and resume enjoying life.

How to Remove an Insect from the Ear Canal

Ear, nose and throat specialist Dr. Andrew Ordon demonstrates the safest way to remove an insect from the ear canal.

The Most Talked About Diseases In the Media

The Community sounds off with Ahmed on the Supreme Court's approval of early voting in Ohio, Clinton weighs in on Romney's tax plan and a new smoking ban in California. We are joined by Deborah McCreath-Akbar, Katie Halper, Kenneth Damborg, Kyle Hillman and Unai Montes-Irueste.

State Of Emergency - ER Was Never Meant To Replace Primary Care

Romney says people don't "die in their apartment because they don't have insurance" but they do end up in the ER. Lack of access to health care is overtaxing hospitals. Community members David Kendall, Hogan Gorman, Pamela Ross, Shannon Brownlee, and Shauntay Brown join the discussion.

Why You Should Leave Earwax Alone

WSJ's Melinda Beck and SUNY Downstate Brooklyn Dr. Richard Rosenfeld join Lunchbreak to discuss why people should leave their earwax alone, and give tips on how to safely clean the ear if earwax gets out of hand. Photo Courtesy Northwestern University.

Dangerous Risks of Being Sedentary

Dr. Natasha discusses the dangerous health risks that are increased by living a sedentary lifestyle.

Health Benefits of Drinking Coffee

Dr. Natasha discusses the health benefits of drinking coffee.

Basic Canadian Medicare Coverage

Mary Alexander from Home Instead Senior Care shares the basics on Canadian Healthcare.

Canada Health Act Facts

Mary Alexander from Home Instead Senior Care, provides helpful information on the Canadian Health Act.

Provincial and Territorial Medicare in Canada

Mary Alexander from Home Instead Senior Care, explains how Healthcare coverage works between Canada's different Territories and Provinces.

How to Find Canadian Medicare Information

Mary Alexander from Home Instead Senior Care shows us where to get information on Canadian Healthcare.

How to Find a Healthy Weight Loss Program

Lauren Grant of The Hungry Heart, gives advice on how to find a weight loss program or counselor that's right for you.

What Is Hospice Care

Hospice Care For The End Of Life

Dangers of Bathrooms for Seniors

Kelly Wolf of PeopleFirst Homecare and Hospice, discusses how to make the bathroom, the most dangerous room in the house, safer for elderly people.

Bone Health Tips for Mature Adults

Kelly Wolf of PeopleFirst Homecare and Hospice explains the importance of bone health and provides tips on how to stay healthy.

What a Tummy Ache May Mean

When you're experiencing abdominal pain, it's not just your stomach that could be causing the problem. Learn about each organ in your abdomen and how to tell where the pain is coming from because everyday warning signs could lead to serious consequences.

Why Pressing the Snooze Button Is Bad for You

Do you hit the snooze button on your alarm clock first thing in the morning? You could be adding extra stress to your day. Dr. Travis breaks down what's wrong with one woman's morning routine and reveals what you should be doing when you wake up in the morning to help get your day started off right.

What Happens When You Have a Kidney Stone

When you're experiencing abdominal pain, it's not just your stomach that could be causing the problem. Learn what happens when you have a kidney stone.