Skin Care and Beauty - Original Articles

How to Handle Bad Breath

It's not pleasant, but it is preventable. Here's how to keep a foul mouth at bay.

Split (Ends) Happens: How to Keep Hair Healthy

Common styling mistakes and everyday wear and tear can lead to split ends. Here's how to protect your luscious locks.

10 Steps to the Perfect Home Pedicure

If you prefer to spend your beauty bucks elsewhere, here's a guide to prettying your feet at home.

A New Hue for You

Thinking about coloring your hair? Our expert advice will help you find a flattering shade.

Eliminating Hair Down There: What's Safe, What's Not?

Waxing, shaving, sugaring, and more. Find out which options are safe and which ought to be avoided.

5 Skincare FAQs

Read on for solutions to five of your biggest skincare concerns.

Beauty Trend to Try: A Back Facial

The hard-to-reach areas on your back will benefit from this skin-smoothing spa treatment.

5 Ways to Keep Your Face Shine-Free

Oily skin be gone! Learn how to control your complexion and put your best face forward.

5 Signs You're Stressed

One look in the mirror can gauge your stress levels. That's because, left uncontrolled, stress takes a physical toll on your body, inside and out. Here's how to make a change.

Birthmark Basics: What Is a Hemangioma?

Whether your child has a strawberry birthmark, stork bite, or angel kiss, get the real facts behind this common kind of birthmark.

Psoriasis Skin-Care Secrets

If you're among the 7.5 million Americans living with this skin condition, we've got tips to help you look and feel your best.

Help for Hammertoes

Take steps to avoid (or relieve the pain from) this common foot problem.

7 Deadly and Not-So-Deadly Skin Sins

Here's how not to care for your skin. Taking heed of these seven common blunders will help renew your complexion and possibly even save your life.

Unwanted Facial Hair? Try Dermaplaning

This innovative technique can help remove peach fuzz and leave your skin glowing, too.

7 Tips for Safe Shaving

Shaving can be a pain, literally! Whether it's razor burn, bumps, or ingrown hairs, we have tips to prevent and treat common problems.

5 Beat-the-Heat Beauty Secrets

These expert tips will keep you looking hot, no matter how sweltering it is outside.

The Mediterranean Diet and Melanoma

Going Mediterranean may offer protective benefits against skin cancer. That's on top of the other health benefits this easy-to-follow diet serves up.

Why That Rash? You Might Be Surprised

If you're prone skin reactions and can't figure out why, you may be allergic or sensitive to common products you use every day.

Should You Get an Eyelash Perm?

Here's what you need to know about this beauty-enhancing.

Laser Liposuction: The Latest in Body Sculpting

This minimally invasive procedure combines two techniques to help slim your physique.

Skin Ulcers: Importance of Early Detection

Poor circulation can lead to painful and unsightly skin ulcers, most commonly found on the inside of the ankles. Here's how to detect a problem so treatment can begin.

Bees for Better Health: What's the Buzz?

For centuries, humans relied on apitherapy, the use of bee products, for health and healing. Today, there is a renewed interest in the benefits of these substances. Learn more.

Ouch! How to Handle a Paper Cut

It happens to everyone... and it hurts! Here's what to do when you or a loved one gets a paper cut.

Home Safety: Prevention and First Aid for Burns

How to treat burns at home, and how to know when medical attention is needed.

Cellulitis: What It Is and How to Treat It

This skin disease is usually treated on an outpatient basis, but hospitalization may be required in more serious cases. Here's what you need to know.

Would You Gain Weight to Look Younger?

Women who have spent years struggling with the scale may relish in what the researchers say, but is this finding enough of a reason to harbor excess weight?

Ganglion Cysts: What You Need to Know

Have you ever developed an unexplained bump on your hand or foot? If so, it was probably a ganglion cyst.

All About Vitiligo

Vitiligo occurs when the cells that produce melanin die, or no longer form melanin. This causes white patches to appear on the skin, and sometimes even the hair and eyes.

Is It Seasonal Hair Loss or Alopecia?

If, every fall, you lose a lot of locks, you could simply be experiencing seasonal hair loss. It's nothing to worry about, except if you notice a few other things.

7 Razor-Free Ways to Remove Unwanted Hair

Ready to toss that razor for good? Learn about the pros and cons of seven options that replace shaving.