Diet and Weight Loss - Videos

Coca-Cola Working to Fight Against Obesity

A big name enters the fray in the argument over sugary drinks and obesity in this country. Chris Jansing reports.

Carmelita Jeter Web Exclusive

Olympic track and field sensation Carmelita "The Jet" Jeter currently holds the record for being the fastest woman in the world. Watch as Carmelita reveals some of her diet and nutrition tips.

Foods To Eat That Will Help You Lose Weight

Many of us want to lose weight and this does NOT mean you need to starve yourself. We're giving you a list of some foods that will help you shed the weight.

Are You Getting Enough B-12?

Did you know that being deficient in vitamin B-12 can damage your central nervous system and lead to nerve pain? Find out five foods to add to your diet to increase your intake of B-12.

Are You Addicted To Food? May Not Be Your Fault

Are you having trouble fighting the battle of the bulge? You want to stop eating, but you can't? It might be your fault. You may be addicted to food.

Stick to Your Diet With Sticky Notes

Fitness guru Denise Austin advises sticking to your weight-loss goal with sticky notes!

Can You Eat Too Much Fruit?

Larry, 71, says he knows too much sugar is bad for your health, so if fruit naturally has sugar, is it possible to eat too much fruit?

Dragon Fruit: The Superfood of 2013

According to dieticians dragon fruit is the hottest new superfood this year.

Twins Had Weight Loss Surgery at 15

Weight loss surgery is extremely popular in the United States. But when it comes to the age of prospective patients, how young is too young?

Teen Loses 100 Pounds After Stomach Stapling

Weight loss surgery is extremely popular in the United States. But when it comes to the age of prospective patients, how young is too young?

Fitness Challenge: How To Stay Out Of The Rut

The tough part of a fitness challenge is staying out of the rut. How do you avoid this pitfall? It's about accountability.

Bobby Flay Fit: Day Four - Discipline

Bobby Flay shows how he stays on track although surrounded by food all day.

Bobby Flay Fit: Day One - Moderation

The most important words in Bobby Flay's fitness mandate? Portion control!

Shred: The Revolutionary Diet

Dr. Ian Smith explains the philosophy behind his new book Shred: The Revolutionary Diet. Meals are spaced throughout the day so you eat every three to four hours for a total of four meals with the option of three snacks. He says it helps prevent food boredom.

Curb Your Cravings

The Doctors hit the streets to ask eight fans how they curb their cravings.

Seeing Your Food in Eight Days

Taking photographs of your meals for eight days could help you pay more attention to what you're eating, and you're more likely to eat healthy.

Understanding the Symptoms of Emotional Eating

Colette Baron-Reid, author of Weight Loss for People who Feel too Much, joins Dr. Travis and Dr. Lisa to share her eight-week program for helping people eliminate emotional eating.Colette explains that many of us suffer from empathy overload, when we react to other people's feelings of sadness and stress. In addition, we reinforce negative feelings of ourselves. The negative feelings create chronic stress to our bodies and contribute to weight gain.

Eight Kitchen Swaps That Will Help Your Diet

The Doctors share eight simple swaps you can make to help drop fat and calories from your diet.

Rocco DiSpirito's New Year's Resolution Tip

Chef Rocco DiSpirito shares a tip for keeping your New Year's Resolutions.

A Chocolate Coffee Substitute

Instead of coffee, try Choffy, which is made from brewed cacao beans. The Doctors do a taste test.

Our Favorite Low Calorie Snacks

Dr. Travis and OB/GYN Dr. Lisa Masterson share eight healthy snack alternatives - all 100 calories or less.

Pitting Organic Vs. Conventional Food

Are the high prices of organic food worth it? A large new body of research finds little evidence of any additional health benefits of organic versus conventionally grown food.

High Dosage Statins Can Cause Pain

Statins with high dosages are more likely to cause muscle problems.

The Importance of Cholesterol Screenings

The CDC has released its report on the prevalance of cholesterol screening in the US.

New Study Suggests Fasting Is Unnecessary Before Cholesterol Screening

A large new study suggests there's no need for patients to go hungry before getting their cholesterol checked.

Combining Exercise and Statin Treatment Helps High Cholesterol

Combining exercise and statin treatment gives patients with high cholesterol the best chance for survival.

Study Reveals the Truth About Organic Food

According to researchers at Stanford University, organic foods are not much healthier than conventional meats, fruits and vegetables.

Getting a Prescription to Eat Healthy

Fruits are a necessary part of healthy eating habits. Find out how doctors started prescribing fruit and veg to get low income families to eat healthier.

The Benefits of Organic Food

People who buy organic fruits and food, generally pay a lot more money in their effort to avoid pesticides. But is it really worth it?

The Importance of Low Sodium Lunches for Kids

Packing healthy school lunches will help your child avoid health problems later in life.