Men's Health - Original Articles

Firm Your Trouble Spots

Can you focus your workout right on your trouble areas? Yes and no.

5 Childhood Conditions You Can Correct in Adulthood

From a lazy eye to a speech disorder, it's not too late to address that issue that's been with you since you were a kid. Learn how.

Rice With a Side of Arsenic

A new study finds carcinogens in rice. Is there enough detected to cause widespread concern?

Does Your Home Trigger Your Allergies?

Whether you live in a new house, an older house, or in an apartment, your home may present specific allergy challenges.

5 Easy Tricks to Eat Less

Adopt these smart tips and the result will be a leaner you.

Kegels Are Not Just for Women

When done properly and practiced regularly, Kegels can help men prevent or control urinary incontinence.

The Best Yogurts for Your Digestive Health

If you're looking to get the health benefits of yogurt, taste matters, but other factors do too.

Sleep Like 100 Years Ago

Take a page from the olden days and get enough rest despite the challenges of today's modern life.

What Can Iron Supplements Do for Men?

Learn how this multi-functional mineral can help support men's health.

Snooze Yourself Slim?

Scale stuck in neutral? You might be missing out on one essential weight-loss ingredient.

Women, Men, and Depression

Depression affects both men and women. But there are key difference in their symptoms.

How to Start Exercising When You re Seriously Out of Shape

Everyone at every stage benefits from exercise, but it can be intimidating and overwhelming to take the first step. First things first.

Keep a Food Journal for Real Results

Increasing your awareness and pinpointing patterns are just two of the ways keeping a food journal leads to weight loss and better health.

How to Find Health Insurance

Share our strategies for securing healthcare coverage for you and your family.

Exercise for Less

With these tips you won t need fancy equipment or a gym membership to get in shape.

Know Thy Fit Self

The key to making an exercise program stick is to find the reason why you want to get fit.

Get "Cultured" and Help Your Heart

To reduce your risk of hypertension, take a look at these healthy facts about yogurt.

Arthritis Is Not Just for the Elderly

It's important to know arthritis can strike at any age because early treatment is key.

The Food Poisoning Threat

Incorporating these tips into how you eat, shop, and store food will reduce the likelihood of food-borne illnesses in your home.

Easy Bruising: Cause for Concern?

Bruising occurs when small blood vessels called capillaries are broken because of impact. While rarely serious, they can sometimes be a sign of underlying disease.

Adult ADHD: 3 Treatment Options

Combining education, medication, and psychotherapy shows promise.

Who Smells Most Attractive?

When it comes to choosing a partner, the nose knows.

Health Risks in the Wake of a Hurricane

What are the key health risks you need to be aware of after a natural disaster like Hurricane Sandy?

Healthy Aging: What's Normal, What's Not?

Compare typical signs of aging to signals that something isn t quite right.

You're Not Too Old to Travel

Tackle trips with 20 fearless, fuss-free travel tips.

You're Not Too Old to Try Something New

You re still in the game. And according to one New York psychotherapist, maintaining self-confidence is half the battle.

Trauma After the Storm

In the wake of Sandy, be aware of the psychological impact such a disaster can bring.

How to Avoid Holiday Anxiety

Prevent feeling overcome by the season of stress with these tips.

Ow! Fix Your Muscle Spasm

Why do these bursts of pain occur? How can you prevent them and address them quickly when they come on?

Why Does His Lower Back Hurt?

Back pain affects nearly everyone at some point. And for men there are some particular causes and solutions.