Men's Health - Original Articles

Stress and Heartburn: 5 Ways to Find Relief

Stress leads to the behaviors that bring on heartburn, but our tips can quell the flames and help you cope.

Minor Car Accidents Can Equal Major Injuries

If you drive or ride in a car, read this. And share it with those you love.

If You're Frequently Too Hot or Too Cold...

Your body temperature is set on a cycle. Understanding how it works can help you manage it.

Want a Workout Buddy? Think Virtual

A workout partner can motivate you to reach your fitness goals. And a virtual buddy can be just as effective in keeping you on track.

New Nicotine Vaccine May Help Smokers Quit

A groundbreaking treatment to curb nicotine cravings is in the works. Find out how this new vaccine works.

Fix Your Muscle Cramps, and Figure Out What's Causing Them

Ouch! Ease those sharp muscle spasms, and try these preventative tips including keeping hydrated.

Sit All Day? 10 Feel-Good Tips

If you work at a desk, you run the risk of various muscle, joint, and tendon problems. Keep the aches and pains at bay with these tips.

Digestive-Friendly Barbecue, It Can Be Done

If your stomach disagrees with typical barbecue favorites, try these best bites.

Top 5 Household Dangers for Pets

Some of the biggest threats to your pet's health and safety could already be in your home and yard.

Treating an Embarrassing Deformity for Men

As many as 5 million men in the U.S. are affected by Peryonie's Disease, a particular erectile disorder.

Are You at Risk of Going Blind?

More people are experiencing serious vision problems and even blindness. Learn the risks and what you can do.

Successfully Sleep Under the Stars

Looking to add more summer fun in the great outdoors? Be sure to bring these items with you when you spend the night al fresco.

How to Quit Smoking: 4 Tips to Live By

Each person has different needs when it comes to smoking cessation. Use these strategies to make it work for you.

How Hospital Noise Hampers Healing

Although they exist to treat medical problems and make us well, hospitals are some of the noisiest, least restful places to be. And all that noise can impair recovery.

Will Coffee Help You Live Longer?

You've heard it's good. You've heard it's bad. But new research reveals that coffee could actually lower your death risk.

More Than Just Fiber for Digestive Health

For your best digestive health, there are additional nutrients that can help.

Consider Homemade Pet Food

It's a good option for pets with allergies or other special needs. Before you make your own pet food, what should you know?

How to Get Something Positive From Criticism

Listen. Stay calm. Ask questions. Follow these tips to benefit from feedback and not just become defensive.

7 People You'll Meet at the Gym

If you spend enough time at the gym, you'll recognize them on sight. Some are annoying and some are inspiring. Are you on the list?

6 Habits That Impact Bladder Control

Wonder why your leaky bladder is worse some days and better others? The answer could be in your everyday choices.

Yeast Infections: Not Just a Woman's Problem

That s right. Men can contract yeast infections too. Learn how.

Psychodermatology for Hard-to-Heal Skin Problems

Ever notice that skin issues intensify during times of stress? This innovative approach may help.

What to Believe When Health Claims Conflict

You hear something's good for you, and tomorrow you hear it's bad. Here's how to solve the puzzle when it comes to health claims.

Is Sunshine the Best Way to Get Healthy Vitamin D?

Vitamin D is essential for your health, and most of us don't get enough. But is it safe to increase your dose through sunshine?

Digestive-Friendly Ethnic Eats

On the menu? Exciting ethnic meals that will please the palate and promote healthy digestion.

How to Create the Perfect Workout Playlist

Experts say music can motivate your workout. Here's how to take your fitness playlist to the next level.

Quality vs. Quantity: What Sleep Do You Need Most?

Sleep is essential for health. Here's what's most important to strive for when trying to rest.

Hearing Loss and Diabetes: What You Can Do

Diabetics are twice as likely to experience hearing loss. Take steps to protect yourself.

Diesel Fumes Do Contribute to Cancer

It's used to everything from trucks to generators, but it's now clear diesel fumes are tied to cancer. What can you do about it?

Is Depression a Looming Crisis for Baby Boomers?

Statistics paint a worrisome picture when it comes to aging Americans and mental illnesses like depression.