Men's Health - Original Articles

Are You Just Not Interested?

If the feeling just isn't striking you, don't worry. We have the fixes to get you back in the mood.

Cancer Remission and Recurrence

The goal of cancer treatment is to put the disease in remission. But cancer can recur in several different ways.

Osteoporosis: Not Just a Woman's Problem

Recent research shows that brittle bones, long considered a women's problem, is taking a significant toll on men.

The Pros and Cons of Dating Older Women

Without a doubt, older women bring depth and maturity to many relationships, but there can also be valid reasons to steer clear of courting a cougar.

Facing Your Retirement Fears

Does the idea of retirement scare you? Here's how to prep for this major life transition.

10 Ways to Live 10 Years Younger

These simple strategies can knock a whole decade off of your outlook so you'll feel 10 years younger.

Don't Let Depression Ruin Your Sex Life

People with depression typically lose interest in many activities they once enjoyed, including sex. This can significantly reduce their quality of life. Because many patients are reluctant to discuss sexual problems with their physician, the problem often goes unidentified and untreated.

Gender Roles in Pain Medication Abuse

New research has now determined that men and women misuse pain medication differently.

Are Public Restrooms Making You Sick?

There are some simple steps you can take to make sure you don't become a walking biohazard, regardless of the state of the public bathroom you find yourself in.

New Camera Technology Improves Colonoscopy Screening Results

A new type of camera is making it possible for doctors to get a better look at colorectal polyps and other lesions that may be missed with the current colonoscope alone.

Preoperative Do's and Don'ts

Your surgeon will instruct you on a list of do s and don ts to help you get ready and minimize risks. Some surgeries have very specific instructions and your surgeon will make sure you know what to do. Many, however, include these general instructions.

How Coffee Reduces Prostate Cancer Risk

Despite what others may tell you, coffee has been found to have some serious health benefits.

8 Tests for Erection Problems

High blood pressure, diabetes, and low testosterone are just a few contributing factors of ED.

How Defensiveness Benefits Men

Exhibiting defensive qualities is usually viewed as negative, but this may not always be the case for men.

Pain Relievers and Cancer Risk

Is it possible that certain widely-used pain relievers may have a role in cancer prevention and treatment?

Top 5 Supplements for Men

The key to effective supplementation is to know what you're taking and why you're taking it.

Red Meat Linked to Bladder Cancer

New research links the consumption of red meat to an increased risk of bladder cancer, the tenth most common cancer in the U.S.

Kickbox Your Way to a Better Body

Kickboxing is a total-body, booty-kicking workout that's fun, makes you fast on your feet, and kicks you into the best shape of your life.

Prevent Erectile Dysfunction

From having more sex to monitoring your testosterone, here are six ways to lower your chances of developing ED.

How Is the Recession Affecting Your Health?

When the downturn boosts death rates, it s time to identify the issues and make changes where you can.

Watching Sports May Be Bad for Your Heart

One study showed the risk for cardiac arrest soared to two to four times higher while watching heart-pounding sports events. But does it matter if your team wins or loses?

The Pros and Cons of Perfectionism

A perfectionist is someone who constantly strives to achieve extremely high standards. You would expect perfectionism to be a good personality trait, but it usually isn t.

Just Hit 40? 7 Tune-Up Tips

Steps you can take to help ensure your health well into your golden years.

The Dangers of Being Cynical

Do you believe that most people will tell a lie if they think they can gain by it? If you answered yes to this question, chances are you have a bit of a cynical streak.

2 Pains You Mustn't Ignore When Working Out

Know what to watch out for whether you're going for a jog or lifting weights.

What's the Hardest Year of Marriage?

Being married seems so easy at first: everything's new and fresh, from the bone china to the queen-sized comforter to "officially" sharing a last name. But at some point, the honeymoon's clearly over and you both find yourselves marveling at how tough being married can be.

DHEA Supplements: Do They Work?

Produced naturally by our bodies, the hormone DHEA has been touted as the key to longevity. And some people have begun to supplement their bodies' own DHEA with a synthetic version of the hormone. But are they effective?

The Proper Way to Wear Your Seatbelt

Seat belts save more than 13,000 lives every year in this country, but they can do so only if you wear them the right way.

The Truth about the "Beer Belly"

Beer the beverage favored by most men nationwide. It could accompany your nightly dinner or favorite TV program. A six-pack may join you during your weekend barbeque or while you watch the game. Regardless of when you consume it, one thing tends to remain the beer belly.

Normal Sexual Changes vs Symptoms of Low Testosterone

While the rest of your body changes, so does your sexual ability. Some men may find it a bit harder to find themselves in the mood. Others may find it relatively difficult to perform as long or as passionately as they once had.