Eating and Nutrition - Original Articles

Pass on Salt? Maybe Not

One study questions the need for salt restrictions.

Wheatgrass Juice: Contender or Pretender?

Touted as a "living food," wheatgrass juice first became popular when a self-proclaimed "natural healer" began to promote the benefits of consuming green vegetables, herbs, and wild weeds. Since then, wheatgrass has been analyzed, studied, and sold as a health remedy.

Krill Oil: Better Than Fish Oil?

Krill, tiny shrimp-like crustaceans that live on the bottom of the ocean, are chock full of beneficial oils, including omega-3 fatty acids.

10 Easy Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

There are simple steps you can take to reduce your risk of developing high cholesterol and manage the problem if it occurs.

Kimchi: Why Is It All the Rage?

The salty, spicy, pickled vegetable dish known as kimchi is a fermented food traditionally served in Korea and now popular in other Asian countries and also in the United States.

Do You Really Need to Drink 8 Glasses of Water a Day?

For years now, the conventional wisdom has been to drink eight glasses of water a day if you want to maintain good health. But is that really true? According to one doctor, the answer is no.

In the Kitchen With Arthritis

If arthritis pain bothers you, you may have all but given up on cooking and baking. But there are ways to get back in the kitchen and rediscover your inner chef.

Full vs. Empty Stomach: Which is Better for Exercise?

Some experts say you'll burn more fat if you exercise on an empty stomach. Others assert your athletic performance will suffer if you don't fuel it with the right food. Who's right?

3 Heart-Healthy Habits With Zero Deprivation

Pizza? Drinks? TV? Your favorite indulgences can be made heart healthy, if you do them right.

BAI: Better Than BMI?

Researchers from the Keck School of Medicine at the University of Southern California have proposed a new formula for measuring body fat using hip circumference and height. This formula is known as body adiposity index, or BAI.

8 Food Allergy Safety Tips to Organize Your Kitchen

When you have food allergies, organizing your kitchen and other food storage areas isn't just convenient it's essential.

Why You Crave Sugar

If you're craving sugar, the problem may be more serious than merely trying to satisfy an occasional sweet tooth. You may be addicted to sugar.

For Heart Health, Eat Plenty of This

Recent research shows it's not only how much of it you eat, but also what kind, and when in your life you eat it. Get the low-down on one path to better heart health.

What You Should Know About Genetically Modified Foods

Genetically modified (GM) or engineered, foods have been scientifically altered to develop more desirable traits. These traits might include better resistance to destructive insects in the field, or increased nutritional value.

20 Ways to Drink More Water

Set an alarm. Use a fancy glass. Hang a sign on your fridge. These are just a few ways to ensure you get your daily dose of H20.

Add This Kind of Fiber for Less Belly Fat

Visceral fat, the type found around the waist and belly and surrounding the vital organs, poses much more of a health risk to you than fat that's right under the skin. But upping a particular type of fiber in your diet could help you get rid of it.

BPA in Canned Foods: What You Should Know

BPA is used in the production of some hard plastics and the plastic-like linings of many metal cans used to package foods and beverages. Since BPA leaches out of the plastic and into the contents of the can when exposed to heat, there is wide concern about its toxic effect.

10 Ways to Spruce Up Your Salad

If you find yourself munching on the same old lettuce and tomatoes day in and day out, maybe it's time for a salad makeover.

How to Successfully Donate Blood

Giving blood is straightforward, safe, and infinitely helpful to those in need. So if you want to join the effort, here are six steps you can take to ensure the process is as easy as possible.

How to Eat Healthy at the Airport

There's always something to eat at the airport, especially if you're at one of the larger "hub" airports. Unfortunately, where there are more food vendors, there are more opportunities for unhealthy options and food safety violations.

Health Advice at the Hair Salon

Over the last few years, some hair salons and barbers have been dispensing more than just trims. They've been giving out health advice, too.

Manage Your Digestive Ailments Digitally

If you're having trouble maintaining a food diary to keep track of certain triggers that could be contributing to your digestive problems, apps for your smartphone and other electronic devices may be able to help.

5 Easy Tips to Avoid Vacation Weight Gain

You can take a vacation from day-to-day living without forfeiting daily exercise and healthy eating. These practical tips will help you stave off the extra pounds without needing to give up festive foods and unforgettable fun.

Become Your Baby's Favorite Chef

Why should you make your own baby food? Let's see, it's generally more nutritious, less costly, and it takes hardly any effort to get started.

All About Egg Yolks, Whites, and Substitutes

Whole or separated, in recipes or on their own, eggs are an important part of most people's diets. But if you're concerned about heart disease, shouldn't you worry about the fat and cholesterol in eggs? Not when you know which parts of the egg to use, and when to use them.

How Your Body Uses Nutrients

Have you thought about how your digestive system actually converts the meals you eat into fuel? Here's a quick survey of how your organs break down nutrients to keep your body in motion.

High Altitudes May Lead to Weight Loss

New research suggests you can lose weight and keep it off just by spending a week in the mountains.

Is Asthma Piling on the Pounds?

If you have asthma and find yourself struggling with your weight, you may wonder if asthma is to blame. And according to many researchers, there could be a link.

Could Your Family Use a Personal Chef?

For a growing number of families (couples and singles, too), personal chefs are becoming as common and indispensable as housekeepers. They're the answer to "What's for dinner?"

Blood Sugar Control: Why Food Diaries Are Key

Here's how a food diary can help you and your doctor. Plus tricks to make keeping one easier.