Eating and Nutrition - Original Articles

Dress for the Holidays in Comfort

You can look great without wearing uncomfortable, constricting clothing. Here's how you can be stylish and still stay comfortable.

The Health Benefits of Beets

This little root vegetable is rich in powerful nitrates that boost the flow of blood throughout your body and even help prevent cognitive decline.

Black Rice Bran: The Allergy Remedy You Can Eat

What if you could head off your next allergy attack by simply adding black rice to your daily menu?

Can Your Diet Improve Your Focus?

You've probably heard the expression, "you are what you eat." It may be a clich , but it's true. What you eat plays a direct role on your brain's cognitive (thinking) abilities, and may influence your risk of developing mental illness, age-related cognitive decline, or Alzheimer's disease.

The Blood Pressure Fix that Doesn't Work

One antioxidant touted for lowering blood pressure and reducing heart disease risk offers no heart benefit.

The Truth About the Acai Berry

Lose weight! Feel more energetic! Fight aging! Improve your sex life! Can one little purple berry do this much good?

6 Mini-Meals or 3 Squares: Which is Better?

Breaking up your daily calories into small plates has its advantages over sitting down to the traditional three square meals. But a recent study revealed a big disadvantage to "grazing."

Resveratrol May Slow Aging

Resveratrol, a plant compound found in red wine and red grapes, has for some time been touted as a key to longevity.

Freezing Off Fat: Innovative or Dangerous?

Cryolipolysis, a new technique for eliminating unwanted body fat, is quickly becoming popular. But before you rush to set up an appointment, here's what you should know.

7 Smartest Condiment Choices

Condiments help simple, everyday foods rise above the ordinary to become extraordinary. And as it turns out, some great-tasting condiments also do great things for your health.

Fall's Finest Farm Stand Picks for Diabetics

The As (apples), Bs (Brussels sprouts), and Cs (cabbage) of cooking the season's best for nutrition and balanced blood sugar.

Soluble vs. Insoluble Fiber: What's the Difference?

Both types of fiber are good for your health, but each serves a distinct purpose and can be found in specific foods. So, are you getting enough of each?

5 Heart-Smart Fall Foods

Take advantage of the bounty of autumn with these healthy, hearty, heart-smart foods.

Top 5 Supplements for Men

The key to effective supplementation is to know what you're taking and why you're taking it.

Red Meat Linked to Bladder Cancer

New research links the consumption of red meat to an increased risk of bladder cancer, the tenth most common cancer in the U.S.

Fructose and Cancer Growth

There's new evidence that fructose, a type of sugar, is associated with pancreatic cancers.

5 Common Causes of Bloody Stools

Blood in the stools can be a frightening to see. Some causes of bloody stools are harmless, while other causes can lead to colon cancer. If you notice blood or color changes in your stool, it might be time to see a doctor.

Can Chia Seeds Help You Lose Weight?

Can the same seeds that sprouted hair on your childhood chia pet also promote weigh loss, suppress appetite and provide a host of health benefits?

Why Taking Vitamin D May Prevent Allergies

If your allergy symptoms just keep getting worse, your relief could be in one vitamin supplement away.

The Health Boosting Benefits of Vitamin K

Already a nutritional superstar, Vitamin K may be even more beneficial than we think. Find out how to get your daily dose.

Get the Most Nutrition from Your Fruits and Vegetables

Fresh fruits and vegetables are packed with essential vitamins and minerals. But the way in which produce is handled from the time it's harvested to the time it actually reaches your kitchen, has an enormous impact on how many of those nutrients end up on your plate.

The 10 Best After-Work Snacks

The perfect post-work snack is simple, light, and takes the edge off your hunger without ruining your appetite for dinner.

A Diabetic Top Chef Shares His Wisdom

How has Top Chef Season 2 Finalist Sam Talbot flourished in the culinary arts with diabetes? How does he manage his condition on a personal level? Was competing on Top Chef difficult, given his health issues? Seth Czarnecki sat down with Sam to ask him these questions and more.

Get Your Fiber without the Gas

Maintaining a fiber-rich diet is a great way to shed unwanted pounds, lower your cholesterol, and keep your bowels functioning normally. Unfortunately, foods high in fiber can also cause increased gas (flatulence). Fortunately, there are ways to eliminate this problem without eliminating the fiber from your meals.

Milk: It Does Your Heart Good

Although dairy foods have long been associated with heart disease because of their high content of saturated fat, a new study from Sweden suggests that they may actually help maintain heart health.

Coffee and Tea May Help Prevent Diabetes

Now more than ever, coffee and tea are being linked to good health. And recently, researchers have found that there's something in these brews that may help prevent diabetes.

Stevia: The Best Sweetener for Diabetics?

It s three hundred times sweeter than table sugar, it doesn t add any calories, and it doesn t cause a lot of unpleasant side effects. So is Stevia a sweet dream come true for people with diabetes?

Healthy Advice for Cheese Lovers

Here are some tips to help you indulge in a little bit of cheese from time to time without suffering even a twinge of guilt.

Pre-Diabetic? 6 Tips to Manage Your Carb Intake

Here, what you need to know to fend off type 2 diabetes.

How to Eat Cleanly to Prevent Colon Cancer

Scientists have been accumulating evidence that a poor diet is a strong risk factor for colon and rectal cancer (colorectal). A new study provides additional, convincing support.