Eating and Nutrition - Original Articles

Is the APO E Gene Diet Right For You?

While fats, proteins, and carbohydrates are the building blocks that keep our bodies running smoothly, the precise formula that works best for one person is not exactly what someone else needs. The reason? A gene called the APO E gene.

10 Most Potassium-Packed Foods

You probably know that fruits and vegetables are high in potassium. To get enough of this essential nutrient every day, however, it's not enough to "go bananas".

Have You Discovered the Maqui Superberry?

If you keep up on the latest headlines in nutrition, you're probably familiar with the health benefits of blueberries and strawberries. You may even have flirted with goji, pomegranate, and acai berries. But have you heard about what maqui berries can do for your health?

Diabetes Diets: Myths vs Facts

Work through the fallacies to get the diet truth you need.

5 Foods That Cause Constipation

If your plumbing is clogged and you don't know why, take a good look at your diet. If it's low in fiber and fluids, or high in dehydrating ingredients like salt and alcohol, you may have found your answer.

How to Prevent Food Poisoning from Ruining Your Barbecue

Read these tips on how to prevent food poisoning from ruining your barbecue. Find out how these precautions can help you avoid food borne illnesses.

Gastroparesis 101

Gastroparesis, also known as delayed gastric emptying, is a stomach disorder. Find out the causes, symptoms, and signs and what you can do to treat it.

6 Rules for Washing Fruits and Vegetables

Fruits and vegetables are some of the healthiest foods you can eat unless they're contaminated with dirt, pesticides, or harmful bacteria. So before you take your first bite, make sure you follow these six steps.

Food for Thought: The Connection between High-Fat Food and Asthma

Meals high on fat can worsen your asthma symptoms. Fatty foods increase respiratory inflammation and asthma related symptoms.

Could Tap Water Eliminate the Male Race?

41 million people are exposed to estrogen in their water supply, study says.

Calcium-Rich Foods Can Do a Child's Body Good

You know the saying, "Milk does the body good." But do you know how this fact can best translate into your own child's meals and snacks?

6 Steps to Slow the Aging Process

Smoking, drinking, poor diet and inactivity can age you by 12 years, study shows.

High-Fat Diet Linked to Increased Colon Inflammation

A new study published in The Journal of Nutrition is adding to a growing body of scientific evidence showing a connection between a diet rich in fat and low in fiber and an increased risk of developing colorectal cancer.

Cassis: The Newest Superberry

Health-promoting substances in this berry can help manage pain and inflammation, keep your vision clear, and protect against many chronic conditions.

How These Substitutes Could Help Your Heart

They sweeten your favorite foods without adding extra inches to your waistline, but now, researchers are finding that sugar substitutes may have another surprising benefit.

7 Tips for Eating Clean

If you want to get the junk out of your diet once and for all, commit to eating as many fresh, local, unprocessed foods as possible. It may take a little extra effort on your part, but it can be done.

4 Anti-Aging Beverages

Looking to boost your longevity? Bring these drinks into your diet̬and you just may put the brakes on the aging process.

5 Semi-Healthy Fried Foods

When you consider some of the outrageous deep-fried concoctions available fried cookies, fried ice cream and batter-fried bacon, for example you may think there's no such thing as healthy fried food. Well, think again.

Is Sea Salt Healthier than Table Salt?

You may have heard that sea salt is healthier than regular table salt because sea salt isn't as heavily processed. So are the benefits real, or is it just a matter of taste?

All about Male Muscle Dysmorphia

In response to the male muscular ideal, research suggests that male muscle dysmorphia is on the rise.

5 Foods that Can Kill Your Sex Drive

Not in the mood? Those fries you had with lunch may be dampening your desire. Read on for a list of foods that are most likely to take a toll on your libido.

Eating Healthy on a Budget

If you re committed to sticking to a healthy diet, don t let the current economic climate throw you off course. There are plenty of ways to watch your waistline, health, and budget at the same time.

The Digestive Benefits of Yogurt

Not all yogurt is created equal. Some types don't contain enough of the bacteria you need for a healthy digestive system. To be sure that you're getting plenty of the good stuff, be sure to take certain information into consideration.

The 5 Biggest Myths About Caffeine

If you're most people, you start your day with some java and probably have a cup or two before the day is done. So are you helping your health or harming it?

Mangoes May Ward off Colon and Breast Cancer

Studies suggest the mango may be effective in preventing the growth of colon cancer cells. An added benefit? It may ward off breast cancer, too.

Vegetarianism for Diabetics

Here are tips for becoming a vegetarian while responsibly managing your blood sugar.

Five Healthy and Delicious Kids Snacks

As the weather heats up, so will your child's desire for ice cream and other fattening treats. But you don t have to forgo his balanced diet in order to incorporate some appealing foods and drinks. The key is to help your family choose wisely from an array of yummy and nutritious things to eat.

Foods that May Stop You from Sleeping

There are some foods and beverages that not only interfere with sleep; they work hard to keep you awake.

Tasty Alternatives for Chocolate Allergy Sufferers

If you're a chocoholic who also happens to have a chocolate allergy, you may feel cursed. But there are ways to get your fix without risking your health.

10 Cooking Tips to Lower Your Cholesterol

Eating a low-cholesterol, low-saturated-fat diet can go a long way in helping you manage your blood cholesterol levels and it doesn't have to be boring.