Eating and Nutrition - Original Articles

The Truth About Corn Syrup

For years, corn syrup has been maligned as one of the most dangerous food ingredients to come along since refined white sugar. But are we making a bigger deal than we should?

The 6 Best Pre-Workout Foods

Eating the right foods before your workout can maximize your efforts and results.

5 Salad Bar Survival Tips

If you adhere to the following tips, you can construct a salad that's both nutritious and delicious.

7 Tips for a Safe, Healthy Cookout

Don't let your afternoon get sidelined by illness or an accident.

6 Halloween Food Swaps

Does giving up treats for Halloween make you want to scream? Then try these easy (and healthier) swaps.

The Many Milk Options: What You Should Know

Here, a rundown of the many milk options from goat and soy to almond and rice.

The Lowdown on Artificial Sweeteners

Are you sugar substitute savvy? Here's the lowdown on what's available.

9 Diet Commandments for Pain Patients

Many of the foods that you eat may be making your pain worse. Knowing what foods to avoid and what other dietary changes you can make to eliminate your pain could be the key to changing the quality of your life.

Is Grass-Fed Meat Worth the Extra Money?

You may turned to grass-fed meat because you've heard it's better for you or you simply think it tastes better. But is it really worth shelling out the extra cash?

Food's Effect on Your Medication

The consequences of drug interactions with food and beverages may include delayed, decreased, or enhanced absorption of a medication, according to the FDA. Furthermore, mixing certain foods with medications can cause serious side effects.

Banning Junk Food at School

If you try to make sure your child eats a balanced diet but feel like you re always fighting a losing battle, new legislation that would ban junk food at school might make your ears perk up.

Glycemic Highs and Lows: Which Fruits Are Best for You?

While most fruits have low to moderate values, there are some exceptions.

The Link Between Depression and Obesity

In yet another example of the inseparable link between mental and physical health, medical experts are noting the increase in depression among people who are obese, especially as they age.

Boost Your Bone Health With Beer

Scientists have found that beer may have a more bone-protecting effect than wine or liquor.

11 Healthy Halloween Ideas

Help your kids enjoy the year's spookiest night without sacrificing nutrition.

What You Should Know About Food Allergen Labeling

How can you be sure that the foods you eat are free from your biggest allergens? Thanks to federal food allergen labeling laws, food manufacturing plants are required to step up to the plate and tell you in advance what their pre-packaged foods contain.

Obesity to Outweigh Public Health Gains of Declining Smoking Rates

Obesity may wipe out the benefit of the anti-smoking effort.

Don't Blow Your Diet on the Weekend

When you're trying to lose weight, seemingly innocent weekend indulgences could be just enough to undo a week's worth of willpower.

Prone to Heartburn? Avoid these 6 Drinks

Read on for a list of six drinks that are most likely to burn a fire in your chest.

A Handful of Grapes Could Help Fight Diabetes Complications

They're juicy and delicious, but grapes may also be helpful in counteracting some complications of diabetes.

The 4 Healthiest Teas

Which varieties pack the biggest nutritional punch? Find out now.

Understanding the Fibromyalgia-Diet Connection

Staying away from certain foods and adding others might help your fibromyalgia symptoms.

Body Fat and Disease Prevention

Having fat on the lower portion of your body, such as on the thighs, hips and backside, may protect against diabetes and heart disease, a recent report suggests.

5 Ways to Boost Your Willpower

Whether your a healthy eater who has fallen off the wagon or someone who has never dieted a day in your life, there's no reason resign yourself to extra pounds. With a mind to improve your eating habits and a few tips to boost your willpower, you can tweak your diet enough to make a significant difference.

Could Rye Be Better Than Whole Grain?

Swedish researchers have made a discovery that may turn conventional wisdom on its head.

The Health Dangers of Diet Soda

Researchers are saying this sweet treat may be hurting some of the same people it's supposed to help.

10 Ways to Curb Your Carb Cravings

Read on for 10 ways to help ensure your cravings don't get the best of you.

Why Your Body Needs Vitamin C

Vitamin C works hand-in-hand with other nutrients to keep your body functioning at its very best.

Overweight? Blame Your Kitchen

How your kitchen is organized can affect your weight, according to recent research.

How a Lack of Nutrition Impacts Rheumatoid Arthritis

Certain conditions, such as rheumatoid arthritis, can make eating and nutrient absorption difficult. People with this disease need to pay particular attention to their diets to avoid becoming malnourished.